Terms of Service


Welcome to Cash4Homes Enterprises. These terms govern the use of data we collect from homeowners, real estate agents, website visitors, and through our social media marketing campaigns, as well as from publicly available data sources online.

Data Collection

We collect personal and professional information including contact details from our website visitors, responses to our social media campaigns, direct outreach efforts, and publicly available sources to identify potential real estate opportunities and partnerships.

Use of Data

The collected data is used to tailor and enhance our outreach, services, and marketing efforts, ensuring a personalized and efficient experience. It supports our aim to provide targeted real estate solutions, comply with legal standards, and improve user interaction.

Data Sharing and Disclosure

Data may be shared with our affiliates, service partners, and as required by law, always prioritizing confidentiality and data protection. We ensure all third parties adhere to our privacy standards.

Data Security

Cash4Homes Enterprises is committed to protecting your data with advanced security protocols against unauthorized access or data breaches, upholding the integrity and confidentiality of your information.

User Rights

You have the right to access, correct, delete your data, or opt-out from specific uses. For requests or queries regarding your data rights, please contact us directly.

Compliance with Regulations

Our data collection and outreach practices are in strict compliance with A2P 10DLC regulations, respecting communication guidelines and data privacy laws to maintain trust and integrity in our engagements.

Changes to Terms

We reserve the right to update these terms to reflect changes in our practices or legal requirements, providing notice through our website or direct communication.

Contact Information

For any concerns or questions about how Cash4Homes Enterprises uses your data, please reach out to us at [Your Contact Information].

Governing Law

These terms are subject to the laws of the jurisdiction in which Cash4Homes Enterprises operates, ensuring legal compliance and dispute resolution.

By engaging with Cash4Homes Enterprises through our website, social media platforms, or through direct contact, you consent to the collection, use, and sharing of your data as described in these terms. We recommend consulting with a legal professional to tailor these terms precisely to your business operations, legal requirements, and the jurisdictions you operate in.